Saturday, August 30, 2008
Here we go again...
Steven just got called out. He has to be in Oklahoma at 8:00 tomorrow morning to drive the trucks down.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Happy Birthday, Lillie!
Last weekend we celebrated the fourth birthday of our little friend, Lillie. We had cupcakes and ice cream in the park.

Thursday, August 28, 2008
I survived!
I survived my first week back in class! There were many times when I was unsure if I'd make it or not. First of all, much like our dear friends Justin & Courtney, Steven and I are one of those couples. The ones whom nothing goes correctly/normal for. If you actually need proof of this, see THIS post. Read THIS one too. Oh, you can read THIS one for a laugh, too. Oh, and THIS one is really good. See a pattern here? Everyday things that should be so easy and normal, but no, not for us. This week has been full of those moments.
Like when I was standing in line at Indian, er...Wolf Bookstore...for the third time this week...on the third day of classes. I have also stood in line once at Textbook Brokers, and I have to go back on Monday. Apparently they copied down my debit card info, but didn't bother to write down how much to charge.
Or when my phone decided to completely die on me, and I was having to deal with a phone that only worked until 2:00 each day and wouldn't let me answer the phone when someone was calling. I had to wait 10 minutes and call them back.
Oh, and today, when I was sitting in class at 9:30 a.m. listening, ok half-listening to a professor, and she told my classmate that she needed to reword (i.e. dumb down) her response to a question because English does not happen to be the professor's first language.
*Sidenote: Since when is it okay for a professor that admits to not speaking/understanding the greatest amount of English to teach a communications/radio-tv class? Hmm...yes, something isn't right there.*
Another interesting quirk to my week, our kitchen sink is so clogged up that after two bottles of liquid plumber, we gave up and Steven sent me to MidSouth Plumbing to buy the strongest stuff we could. I have yet to see if it works. I'm waiting to let him mess with it tomorrow. Clogged with what, we have no idea. This is a complete mystery to both of us because not much goes into our sink other than liquids. Like I have said before, not much cooking occurs in our house. Thankfully it isn't completely clogged. It drains, just very slowly.
One more thing. Twice this week my low fuel light came on while I was driving around looking for a parking spot at ASU. I don't mean a good parking spot either. I just mean a parking spot. I'll be glad when people start skipping classes.
Welcome to my crazy life.
Like when I was standing in line at Indian, er...Wolf Bookstore...for the third time this week...on the third day of classes. I have also stood in line once at Textbook Brokers, and I have to go back on Monday. Apparently they copied down my debit card info, but didn't bother to write down how much to charge.
Or when my phone decided to completely die on me, and I was having to deal with a phone that only worked until 2:00 each day and wouldn't let me answer the phone when someone was calling. I had to wait 10 minutes and call them back.
Oh, and today, when I was sitting in class at 9:30 a.m. listening, ok half-listening to a professor, and she told my classmate that she needed to reword (i.e. dumb down) her response to a question because English does not happen to be the professor's first language.
*Sidenote: Since when is it okay for a professor that admits to not speaking/understanding the greatest amount of English to teach a communications/radio-tv class? Hmm...yes, something isn't right there.*
Another interesting quirk to my week, our kitchen sink is so clogged up that after two bottles of liquid plumber, we gave up and Steven sent me to MidSouth Plumbing to buy the strongest stuff we could. I have yet to see if it works. I'm waiting to let him mess with it tomorrow. Clogged with what, we have no idea. This is a complete mystery to both of us because not much goes into our sink other than liquids. Like I have said before, not much cooking occurs in our house. Thankfully it isn't completely clogged. It drains, just very slowly.
One more thing. Twice this week my low fuel light came on while I was driving around looking for a parking spot at ASU. I don't mean a good parking spot either. I just mean a parking spot. I'll be glad when people start skipping classes.
Welcome to my crazy life.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Adalyn Grace is here!
Ashley & Chandler are the proud parents of a 7 lbs, 9oz baby girl!

Congratulations! We are so happy for you!
Congratulations! We are so happy for you!
Adalyn Grace,
Monday, August 25, 2008
Leave me a message
**Update: For the last two days the little computer in my phone has been working constantly. To accomplish what, I am not sure. Anyway, it constantly kills the battery. When will my new phone arrive?
If you call me, and I don't answer, just leave me a voicemail. I'm not ignoring you; my phone is being retarded. I have a new one on the way.
My current phone has become so slow that by the time it gets through processing that someone is calling and ready to ring, the person hangs up. This is in addition to all the other issues it has been having.
If you call me, and I don't answer, just leave me a voicemail. I'm not ignoring you; my phone is being retarded. I have a new one on the way.
My current phone has become so slow that by the time it gets through processing that someone is calling and ready to ring, the person hangs up. This is in addition to all the other issues it has been having.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
hey, I have a kitchen!
No, it's not finished. Sorry to anyone that got their hopes up. It was supposed to be finished by the end of the month, but once again due to unforeseen circumstances, it has been put on hold again.
Now onto my real post. I cooked! I cooked at least 4 times in two weeks! That is a miracle. Due to crazy schedule, I am not often in our kitchen. Thursday night I decided I'd cook dinner though. I made fajitas, one of my favorite foods. I don't have a set recipe, so please don't ask me to make it the same twice.
Here is how it turned out on Thursday though.

Yummy red and green bell peppers.

Doesn't that look yummy?
Now onto my real post. I cooked! I cooked at least 4 times in two weeks! That is a miracle. Due to crazy schedule, I am not often in our kitchen. Thursday night I decided I'd cook dinner though. I made fajitas, one of my favorite foods. I don't have a set recipe, so please don't ask me to make it the same twice.
Here is how it turned out on Thursday though.
Yummy red and green bell peppers.
Doesn't that look yummy?
Friday, August 22, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Ten Things Tuesday

Today I'm thankful for the following.
1. Fat free vanilla pudding cups. Yummy.
2. Getting paid. Who doesn't like having a little cash stashed away for random stops at Sonic or weekly (sshhh! It's a secret!) trips to Hobby Lobby?
3. My nieces. I wish I could see them more often. I love their cute little faces, Hanna's sweet giggle, and the funny things they do.
4. Tomorrow is trash day. I know you are all thinking that is a very strange thing to be thankful for. Well, I forgot to put the trash out last week, so the big can outside is full, and our little one in the kitchen is on the verge of not shutting. I can NOT forget tomorrow. That would be bad.
5. The daily laughs I share with my husband, even if it is just one small one. I love to laugh, and it is even better to have someone to laugh with.
6. This is a great web site. It helps me keep track of all the books I have read, own, want to read, and any other categories I choose to create. Oh it is spiffy! Go sign up. And add me as your friend. :-)
7. My sweet husband and the ways he loves me. This morning when I explained that I hadn't gotten more than 5 hours of sleep he said, "Well, go let the dogs out, and when they come back in- go back to bed." He said this, even though he had to get up early and go to work. Aaah, that is love! :-)
8. I have an awful lot of mosquitoes in my house (not a good thing) - NOT spiders (an even worse thing)!
9. My printer has finally decided to cooperate with me and print on cardstock! Woohoo! Let the scrapbooking proceed.
10. The watermelon in my fridge. Yummy. It will be a nifty breakfast tomorrow.
Ten Things Tuesday,
Monday, August 18, 2008
Attention, Mrs. Reed!
Your Theron stalking may be resumed at
Just thought I'd let you know. :-)
Just thought I'd let you know. :-)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Another little project
After church tonight, I finished cleaning the house and discovered I had an extra couple of hours until my guests arrive. Two hours with nothing to do? Hmmm....
This is what I made:
This is what I made:
Minnie Pearl,
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
This morning I had a photo shoot with Theron. He is such a cutie, and he is so much fun. It is hard to believe he is already 18 months old!
This picture was taken when he was just a few days old.
Tonight I photographed my first even for Occasions. It was a lot of fun, and surprisingly I wasn't really nervous!
I also made a set of hair bows for Emerald today. She looks very cute in them. I think she'll wear them to the vet's office tomorrow.
This picture was taken when he was just a few days old.
Tonight I photographed my first even for Occasions. It was a lot of fun, and surprisingly I wasn't really nervous!
I also made a set of hair bows for Emerald today. She looks very cute in them. I think she'll wear them to the vet's office tomorrow.
Coming soon to the Anderson house - A CRAZY WEEKEND!
Actually it starts tomorrow, and it won't slow down until Monday.
9:00 a.m. - Emerald and Minnie Pearl to the vet for their check ups
I have to finish preparing the guest bedroom and re-straighten my craft room.
I also have to return some books to the library, wash and vacuum the car.
Church that night.
Diana, Kathi, and the girls are arriving! It will be sometime around midnight when they get here though. I am SO excited about seeing Baby Kaeleigh! This will be the first time Steven or I have seen her in person!
Diana will be at the hospital most of the day with a friend that is having heart surgery, so Kathi and I will be entertaining the girls.
Steven will be home that night! Woohoo!
9:00 a.m. - I have a photo shoot.
Steven and Diana are going to be looking for her a new car.
6:00 p.m. - Couples Bunco!
More entertaining of the kiddos. Hopefully the rain holds off or stops so we can get some pictures in.
A baby shower for Jodi
Steven heads back to work.
When all of this is over I will have several posts to do. I have photos from our weekend at t he river, Ashley's baby shower, and I'm sure I'll have some of my sweet nieces.
9:00 a.m. - Emerald and Minnie Pearl to the vet for their check ups
I have to finish preparing the guest bedroom and re-straighten my craft room.
I also have to return some books to the library, wash and vacuum the car.
Church that night.
Diana, Kathi, and the girls are arriving! It will be sometime around midnight when they get here though. I am SO excited about seeing Baby Kaeleigh! This will be the first time Steven or I have seen her in person!
Diana will be at the hospital most of the day with a friend that is having heart surgery, so Kathi and I will be entertaining the girls.
Steven will be home that night! Woohoo!
9:00 a.m. - I have a photo shoot.
Steven and Diana are going to be looking for her a new car.
6:00 p.m. - Couples Bunco!
More entertaining of the kiddos. Hopefully the rain holds off or stops so we can get some pictures in.
A baby shower for Jodi
Steven heads back to work.
When all of this is over I will have several posts to do. I have photos from our weekend at t he river, Ashley's baby shower, and I'm sure I'll have some of my sweet nieces.
to do list,
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Ten Things Tuesday...On Wednesday

10 Things I'm Thankful For
1. My husband is coming home tomorrow!
2. I have another photography session scheduled for next week.
3. I'm going to the river this weekend!
4. My new baby niece is coming to visit next week.
5. My friend, Ashley, is soon to be a mommy! She and her husband have wanted and loved this baby for a very, very long time and I am so incredibly excited for them. They are going to be great parents!
6. I have not caught the stomach virus that has been going around our church.
7. I will soon be starting back to school. I'm not excited about some of the classes, but I'm excited and very thankful that I only have 9 months left! Woohoo!
8. I am very thankful for my relationship with my husband.
9. My husband makes me laugh. I always said I wanted a guy with a sense of humor like my dad. Oh boy, be careful what you wish for! haha
10. I have had time to read this summer. I love losing track of time because I'm into a good book.
Ten Things Tuesday,
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Mamma Mia!
I almost forgot to post this! A few weeks ago, I went out for coffee and dessert with some of my girlfriends from high school. Of course we couldn't just stop there, so we decided to go see Mamma Mia! We had so much fun! We decided it is probably a good thing that we are only able to get together for a movie night every 2 or 3 months because otherwise we'd get kicked out of the theater. I'm fairly certain that at least one of us was laughing and/or singing during every second of the movie. We were having fun though! There weren't many other people watching the movie, and I believe we were pretty entertaining to them too. After the movie, we were dancing down the aisle and out of the theater. We heard a lady in front of us laughing and saying, "Well, they sure are having a good time back there." Oh, and did I mention our snack? Jennica bought a loaf of bread at Target before the movie and we brought it in in a large purse. Yeah, we're crazy.
**The photos above were taken after the movie in the parking lot of Caffe Buono.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
J is for...

J is for...
"Just chillin"
That's what I'm doing tonight. After the busy week I had last week, I'm starting this one off slowly. I have a million things on my to-do list, so I'm just being lazy tonight. I read for a little while earlier, but then I decided a nap sounded better. :-) When I woke up, I treated myself to some cold pizza and internet time-wasting. Next on my agenda: CSI and more reading.
If you will excuse me, I have some CSI episodes to be watching. :-)
If you will excuse me, I have some CSI episodes to be watching. :-)

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