Here's what I am thankful for today:
1. I am thankful that I have the day off tomorrow. I'm going to help with an event at my dad's work. I much prefer volunteering at the nursing home to sitting in front of a computer for a paycheck.
2. I have a very supportive husband. When I said I wanted to make the jump and pursue a career in photography/graphic design full time he was perfectly fine with it. He had no worries about it.
3. I am thankful that God has a plan for my life and is showing it to me a little more each day. I was worried when I put in my notice that I was making a mistake and wouldn't be able to pursue a career in photography. I handed my life over to God though and made the leap. I'm so glad I did, too. I have not even finished my final two weeks at my current job and have already been asked to photograph a friend's wedding this summer! I'm so excited about this. Shay and Quinton are such a sweet couple, and I'm very happy for them.
4. I am so very, very thankful for the wonderful women at my church. There is no separation of age groups; we are all there for each other, and I consider each and every one of them my friend.
5. Tomorrow is Wednesday! Church day! I always look forward to our Wednesday night bible study. I have learned so much from that class and made some wonderful friends.
6. I am so thankful that when I checked the Adoption Coalition website today, I saw hearts next to many photos, meaning the children had been adopted since the first time I viewed the site several months ago.
7. So far (knock on wood!) we haven't had the horrible spider/snake problem in our yard that we had last spring/summer. This is a HUGE relief. I don't deal well with either species.
8. My cat has finally decided to be a part-time outside kitty. Why am I thankful for this? Less kitty litter duty! Woohoo!
9. I am very thankful that God is such a wonderful provider. My husband and I are not wealthy by U.S. standards, but we are rich compared to people in other areas of the world. Today I noticed gas prices in our small town are up to $3.67/gallon. (This is crazy, and I refuse to purchase gas there when it is much cheaper in Jonesboro .) I am thankful that we have not had to choose between putting gas in our car or paying bills or putting gas in our cars instead of food in our stomachs. No matter how much things have increased lately, the money always seems to be there. We get back and forth to church and work, we do not go hungry, and we have a roof over our heads. Even when you write out the budget, sometimes the money doesn't seem to exist, but it's there when we need it. God has blessed us and continues to do so everyday.
10. It rained today in Texas. This meant that my husband had the day off. Why would I want him to have a (mostly) un-paid day off work? Because it means it is one less day he is high above the ground working with dangerous, high voltage electricity.
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