Tuesday, May 27, 2008

10 Things Tuesday

XBOX Wife Ten Things Tuesday

Well, if you have read the first post from today, you may be wondering what on Earth I will find to be thankful for. I have lots though!

Today I am thankful for...

1. My husband and I aren't one of those couples that argues the entire duration of every home improvement project. To those that know us, this is probably a bit shocking. :-)

2. My kitchen floor has not been ruined.

3. I'm finally getting rid of that stupid popcorn ceiling in my kitchen.

4. My husband did not get angry when I cracked up about our ceiling situation.

5. I have a home. It may have issues at the moment, but it is a home, has running water, electricity, and a roof over our heads (sort of).

6. I have the summer off! Woohoo! No school, and not much work.

7. My pets are healthy. (I accompanied my sis and brother-in-law to the vet today, and my sister's kitty had to be put to sleep.)

8. I can't use my stove this week! Yay! Now I don't have to have an excuse to eat out.

9. My husband is ok with me being a 'fraidy-cat'. I am afraid of lots of things: snakes, large spiders, one-sided ladders, high places with no hand rails, etc.

10. My sister! We are about to go have lunch together.


Our Family! said...

What a great list today; although, I'm sorry to hear about your sister and brother-in-law's kitty. I will say some prayers for them. Have a wonderful week.

~ Amy

Sharon said...

I know what you mean - about having a home with running water and electricity. I was homeless for a bit last year (my parents have no idea about it). It feels good to have a roof over one's head doesn't it?
